The righteous thinks carefully to answer

The righteous thinks carefully to answer

Today’s verse is from Proverbs 15:28.  Here is the verse from three versions of the Bible.

The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil. (version NIV)

The heart of the righteous studieth to answer: but the mouth of the wicked poureth out evil things. (version KJV)

The heart of the righteous thinks carefully about how to answer [in a wise and appropriate and timely way], But the [babbling] mouth of the wicked pours out malevolent things. (version AMP)

Words matter. Kind words encourage. Unkind words kill.

The righteous are not quick to respond. They pause. Consider what to say, and not to say.

Words have the power to bring life and death and, hence, we need to speak carefully, knowing that our words make a great difference. 

Our God spoke at the beginning of creation. At His words, creation happened. 

When the disciples faced storms, Jesus commanded the sea to be still and at that very instant the storm was stilled.

When we walk with discernment and in the awareness of the power of our words, we can, with love and grace, bring in the Kingdom of Heaven to people around us. 

Let us start speaking every conversation with the care and loving kindness of the Lord. Let us not be foolish to speak without consideration. 

Practice this, and you will be amazed at the difference when you consistently do it.