Declarations for success at work place.

Make declarations daily, have a successful career

We are God’s creation. The works of our hand, glorifies God. As a farmer, scientist, servant, waiter, chef, pilot, teacher, whatever be our work. We are meant to Glorify God.

Declarations for success at place of work

I commit my works to the Lord. And my thoughts will be established. (Proverbs 16:3)

Whatever work I do, I do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. (Colossians 3:23)

Top verses from the Book of Joel

Top verses from the Book of Joel

The book of the prophet Joel is known as the front-runner to the book of revelation. This is a very significant book which mentions the day of the Lord as a prominent theme. The Day of the Lord implies the second coming of the Lord Jesus. We are encouraged to study it thoroughly and read this book until you get it fully into your mind.

600+ Prophetic Prayer Declarations

Prophetic Declarations,Bible Based Powerful Prayers

Our family and friends benefited from declaration prayers for many decades. Hence we want this treasure trove of declaration prayers to bless many more across nations around the world.

Go through these 600+ declarations grouped under 30+ prayer declarations or any of the Eight specific categories of prayer declarations. All these prayer declarations are based on God’s word – i.e. scripture verses from the Bible – hence powerful in all situations and circumstances

Additional resources on prayer declarations

What are Prophetic Declarations?
How to make the best of these prophetic declaration prayers?
Why is speaking declarations aloud important?
What are Prayers?