Don’t be led by feelings

Don’t be led by feelings

God is your heavenly father. He speaks to you. He loves you very much and longs for a relationship with his children. He gives them the choice to speak to him and have a nurturing relationship with him. He takes the first step in the relationship. He has chosen you; he knows you. Now it is up to you to respond and take the next step. Read the letter that God has written to you. When you read it multiple times, you get more from it. Read it aloud and hear the love of a father for you, his precious child.

“You are the apple of my eye,” says God.

You are the apple of my eye

God speaks to you every day, even today. He says you are very special and dear to Him. The only reason you don’t hear Him is that you are extremely busy and involved in many things. Take time off daily. Be in a still place with Him. Seek to hear Him. He is drawing near to you. But if you surround yourself with much noise, a busy life, you may not hear your heavenly father. So sit quietly and read this letter from God to you. Remember how much he loves you. Use your name instead of the blank. He writes personally to you. Read it a few times; understanding simple things takes time.

God’s short and sweet message for you

God’s short and sweet message for you

God’s message specifically to you. When you read it a couple of times, you will get a better understanding of what he has hidden for you to discover. Read without hurry. Read it like an eager lover of God. This message for you is short but is soaked in love like the morning dew. Read this using your name. Even when you repeatedly read, use your name. Your God knows you by your name. (But I do not, hence I left it blank. )