Popular Verses: Gospel Of John

Popular Verses From Gospel Of John

Of the four Gospels in the Bible, the Gospel written by John is my favorite book in the Bible which is a collection of 66 books. I tell anyone who lacks time yet desires an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ to read this Gospel.

John called himself the ‘beloved disciple’ of Jesus. He laid his head on Jesus’ chest during the Last Supper. This gospel has many personal accounts of Jesus.

Unlike the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke which are synoptic Gospels, John’s Gospel has the highest number of statements by Jesus, including ‘I am’ statements. This gospel has many beautiful verses of great truth. I invite you to feast on a selection of verses as an appetizer so that you thirst and hunger to read the whole Gospel of John multiple times.

Many verses from John’s Gospel are treasured by many. These are grouped so you can relish them depending on your taste. Click on the verses you wish to navigate to.

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The Bible is God’s Word for our lives. God’s word equips us to be victorious in life. As we trust in God for all matters, we are to articulate our wants and our needs. Using the words Jesus taught us to pray, using the prayers of Jesus, using the prayers in the psalms, using prayers from the epistles of Paul, old and New Testament places us in the victorious pathway as we use the very themes and words found in Bible verses. 

Many of us know only the Lord’s prayer, the prayer Jesus taught the disciples.  But there are many other prayers of Jesus in the four gospels.  

Go through the list of prayers available on this website. The list is updated with additional prayers every now and then. Do bookmark this page and share it with your near and dear ones.