Why turn your hearts?

Why turn your hearts

Relationships between fathers with their children are important for God. Even between children and their fathers. (Also referred to fathers and sons in the Bible)

The last verse of the old testament states that God will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to the fathers. God warns if the relationship does not improve, a punishment of utter destruction would follow. 

Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse. ( Malachi 4: 5-6 NKJV)

Why should we not be anxious? As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

Why should we not be anxious As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

This is a different kind of Bible Quiz. Even if you know the questions, you will be the victor as you learn precious truths. 

So go through the questions without trying to peep into the answers. Only after having tried the questions consider going through the answers.

You will love the process and most likely you will increase/start the way you read the Bible. 

Fall in love with the Bible once again. 

Whom should we fear? As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

Whom should we fear? As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

The purpose of this Bible Quiz is not to shame you, but draw you near to the Bible. In the Bible, we have the Living Word of God.

If we truly love God, we will know his commands, we will know His will, we will know what is dear to His heart, we will live life pleasing Him, obeying Him in every way. We will not be doing anything that displeases our Lord Jesus. All this is mentioned and given in detail in the Bible.  

Read the gospels first. Then the rest of the New Testament. Then the old testament. Being very familiar with the Gospels is the most important first step. Everything else should be from the perspective, from the light gleaned after knowing Jesus, our Lord and saviour. 

Fall in love with the Bible once again.