When would Jesus draw all peoples?

When would Jesus draw all peoples

When we are pushed to the corner, when we are in a difficult situation, we have choices to make. A superior choice which may be painful in the short term, but beneficial long term or an relatively inferior choice which may be pleasurable short term, but not beneficial in the long term. 

We have gone through situations like these. In the past we would have made inferior choices. But relying on Jesus and the Holy Spirit we see ourselves making better choices.

What is superior to preparation & strategy?

What is superior to preparation and strategy

Often we give great value to preparation, strategy. We spend time on scheduling and planning, resource allocation, capital allotment and resource allocation. We evaluate logical sequence, possibilities, human resource planning and mapping. We critically evaluate  location, appropriate technology, cost benefit analysis and various other aspects etc. While all these are important,  it’s good to remember in spite of many/all these being good, victory can be elusive. 

Do not look back!

Do not look back!

Everyone – Lot and his family members were warned by the angels of God. Yet Lot’s wife looked back and she was transformed. She became a “pillar of salt”.

But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26 NKJV)

Abraham’s nephew was called Lot. Abraham was asked to leave the Ur of Chaldees by God ( in present day Iraq) to the promised land of Canaan (modern day Israel). Abraham was accompanied by his wife and his nephew Lot.