Whom do you trust? What do you trust?
For your happiness.
For your joy.
For your peace.
For your life?
There are so many options. But are they all worth it?
Do they deliver what they propose they would?
Resurrection power is for you
Jesus Christ was resurrected 3 days and 3 nights after he was crucified on the cross. He knew his life mission on the earth. He lived with great joy and expectation although he knew he would suffer death. His understanding about defeating the enemy and bringing victory for mankind gave him joy. We have immense joy because Jesus has brought us freedom, righteousness and eternal life. We also have the very same resurrection power of Jesus Christ available to us. With the Holy Spirit’s help we can have it.
Brief on Jesus Christ
Father God, His son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit together make the triune God. Jesus Christ is also known as Emauelle, meaning God is with us. Before the foundation of the world, God’s plan included sending Jesus Christ to earth on a mission for salvation of mankind.
Many of you remember that God created Adam and Eve and they were placed in the garden of Eden. There was only one stipulation. Only from one specific tree God had asked them not to eat from. Mankind was blessed with free will. And God had desired obedience in this one matter.