Healing through the Holy Communion

About the Holy Communion
The Holy Communion was instituted by Lord Jesus Christ for us – that means for you, as well for me. Jesus Christ knew very well that he was to be crucified and why he was to be crucified. Yet he who was fully man, chose to go ahead into this with full awareness.

Jesus as fully God
While he suffered all these, He was fully man. He was Fully God when he was birthed by the Holy Spirit without man’s intervention. So unlike us, Jesus did not inherit sin as He was born of God (the Holy Spirit).

Which woman Jesus wants you to remember?+ other Bible Quiz

Which woman Jesus wants you to remember?+ other Bible Quiz

Quiz questions are interesting ways to sharpen learning and awareness. From time to time Jesus asked his disciples and others – Sadducees, Pharisees and others. 

Read the questions. Try answering yourself. Only after trying to answer them go to the answers. This way you will benefit most. Exercising and flexing the muscles of your mind.   

When would Jesus draw all peoples?

When would Jesus draw all peoples

When we are pushed to the corner, when we are in a difficult situation, we have choices to make. A superior choice which may be painful in the short term, but beneficial long term or an relatively inferior choice which may be pleasurable short term, but not beneficial in the long term. 

We have gone through situations like these. In the past we would have made inferior choices. But relying on Jesus and the Holy Spirit we see ourselves making better choices.