Declarations for an Abundance of Joy

Why be joyful? Why rejoice always?

The Bible tells us to rejoice in all circumstances. Make these declarations aloud. Believe them as you declare them daily. A person filled with joy of the Lord knows: For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). Hence filled with hope and sees possibilities.

Jesus redeemed us from all our sins – past, present and future.  Jesus paid the price i.e. penalty for our sins by dying on the cross. So we are free. We are no longer slaves to our old sinful nature. This is a great reason for us to rejoice. We have freedom.

Tennis Elbow Healing Testimonies

Tennis Elbow Healing Testimonies

Jesus Christ is our healer. By the stripes of Jesus we are healed. Here we have collected four instances of healing testimonies of tennis elbow ailment. A few weeks ago my brother told me he was suffering from Tennis Elbow. I came to know about the painful suffering he goes through. He came on holiday to stay with us. Every night he would carry an ice pack to his room to alleviate the pain during the night. As part of the prayer for healing, I was on a quest to find instances of healing testimonies for this healing. I have experienced first hand when we share, hear about Lord Jesus healing a person, how many others hearing and knowing about the healing become recipients of those healings. So many times this has happened. Hence I started searching for tennis elbow healings.