Declarations for family

Declarations for family

A Parents’ Declaration for the family : Parents, children, grandparents, great grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings, cousins, nephews, grandchildren and great grandchildren, in-laws – all of them and more, make up for a family. When love of Jesus Christ abounds between family members, it’s like heaven on earth. The scripture references are given within the bracket.

Read these daily at least for sixty days and experience the change. When you declare these along with your spouse, go ahead and declare the plural version given in the bracket.

Declarations: Organised & Systematic Life

Declarations Organised & Systematic Life

Why be organised and systematic?

I have been a dis-organised person, especially compared with my wife. But as I started reading the Bible daily, started loving God and fearing Him as my loving father, I started seeing change. But when I started declaring the truth from the Bible the changes into becoming an organised and a systematic person accelerated.

In creation we can see that God was so very well organised and precise to perfection. If the earth were nearer to the sun, or farther, life would not continue as we see it today. The beauty of God manifested partly in the creation of the universe and nature is beyond imagination. In Genesis 1:26 we read that God made man in His image and likeness. We are to be like our creator – be organised and systematic. 

These declarations are based on the verses from the Bible. The verses are modified to align with the declarations. Within 6 weeks of daily decorations, you are bound to be organised and being a systematic person.