Are you meant to do miracles?

Most certainly, you are expected to do miracles. As a follower of Jesus, the lifestyle of Jesus is what you aspire for.

Jesus gave sight to the blind, healed the leper, the deaf began to hear and very many more. Needless to say about the miracles of the multiplication of provisions like the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes feeding five thousand men and others. The tax being paid from the gold coins from the fish. The storms are calming. The dead brought back to life.

Read the Book of Revelation, be blessed!

The last book of the New Testament – The Book of Revelation is special. Written by John based on the visions he had when on the island of Patmos. The book speaks about things which are to take place – mainly the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the tribulations to come. It ends with a description of New Jerusalem which comes down from heaven.

What is born again? Why should you understand it? Is it for all Christians & Catholics?

  1. Years ago when I stepped into a church I was asked if I was born again. That was a wrong question. I was ticked off. I am saying this as some of you could be feeling the same way about this topic. Many of us have a diverse range of beliefs, diverse range of understandings within our mind, yet all these beliefs & understandings do not limit us.