Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Get to know these as a first step to walking in them 

Many know about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. And it’s extremely important that we grow in them, as they point to the very nature of Jesus Christ. We were made in His image. He came down to us as the Word of God (Holy Bible) and is among us. He also came into our midst as Human (Jesus Christ) – to make us see, understand, model our lives like Him. We need to understand and live a yielded life – bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit. All this is easier said and done. Yet all this is possible with a yielded attitude to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. This is a process. In the process, the fruits of the Holy Spirit start influencing our very thoughts, our way of life, our words and actions, thus taking us into the path of being transformed into the nature of Jesus Christ (i.e the fruits of the Holy Spirit).

You should prophesy. Your Creator expects you to

Awareness is the key to becoming what we should be. Since many are not aware of our identity, we do not become. This is true about the prophetic nature in us.

Genesis 1:26 says, God made man in His image and Likeness. We know that God is most prophetic. This thought amazes me beyond all comprehension. In creation, he said and it became so. Go through the 7 days of creation and rest. Each day of creation, we see a prophetic act of mind-boggling proportions.

Since God made man in his image & likeness, the prophetic nature of God is also a portion of each one of us. Rather it’s in our nature in God to be prophecy. Else it’s similar to not using feet in the physical realm of our body.

Praying from the Psalms

Gleanings from Psalms 1 to 5

We know that prayer is conversing with God. People communicate in diverse manners with God. As Christians, Christ Jesus taught us how we should pray. When you meaningfully recite, ‘Our Father prayer…’ we in a good mind set for praying to our father God. Yet when we seek to explore the prayer life of Jesus, we see a wide range of types of prayers.