Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians

This is the first epistle that Paul writes. He mentions the struggle he had regarding the teachings of the requirement for salvation. While a group of people accepted the importance of the Grace of God, they still considered that circumcision was a prerequisite for salvation.

Table of contents:

Declare right, change your life circumstances

We know that when we speak well, be it for an interview, speech, even conversations the outcomes can be good. When your heart is aligned with what you speak well, the speech brings a great feeling of goodness.

As we are not considering cases where people speak without meaning what they say, in this post, we ignore all such situations.

In the Epistle to Romans, verse 8 from chapter 10, the Bible points to heart mouth sync when we speak. “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,” that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim.
This points to having the word in your mouth and also in your heart.

What do we speak well with this hearth mouth sync?
Continuing from the above to verse 9 & 10.
If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.

The great benefits of making the above declaration.
> All who believe in Jesus will never be put to shame.
> The same Lord is Lord of all who confesses. This makes Jew & Gentile alike!
> The Lord richly blesses all who calls on his name.
> Everyone who calls on Jesus Christ will be saved.
All these are mentioned in verses 11 to 13 (Romans 10: 11 to 13)

Read the portion above once again. Let the benefits of making the simple declaration meaningfully sink into your being, life, thoughts.

The words we speak can encourage, bring life, or discourage or push a person in the pathway towards sorrow, despair or death. The words we speak have much power.

We have another precious verse in Psalm 34:1 NKJV
I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

When we start declaring this verse at all times, we magnify the Lord above all circumstances and surroundings. We are also declaring Heaven’s reality over our earthly circumstances and surroundings.

We who know that our Lord is Lord over all the universe. We know HE can do whatever he pleases under all circumstances.

When the wine got over in the wedding of Cana, HE transformed water into wine.
When there was insufficient bread and fish to feed the multitude, HE multiplied what was available into abundance.
When the victory march was blocked by a wall, HE made the walls crumble flat and gave us the victory.
When we were sick, HE healed us with His word.
When our business did not catch enough fish, HE gave direction & the catch was so huge that help from many others were required to handle the abundance of business.

We want the Heavens’ reality to be ours.
But there is transition and a process to reach there.
The journey, the process starts by declaring the reality of Heaven on earth.
This starts by confessing the verses from the Bible.
The verses cited above are a good place to begin with.

As children of God, we must give lesser attention to the surrounding distractions. Not letting the enemy break our communion with God.

We can choose to magnify your problem or magnify the Lord. When we lift up our praise to the Lord, we are making a conscious choice to magnify the Lord over everything else.

We are placing Jesus in the first place through our praise.

So today, choose to praise the Lord.
No matter what you see with your eyes or hear with your ears, God is able to help you, keep you, empower you, and save you.


Praise invites the Holy Spirit and the presence of God to flood and fill your life.

Declare This With Me:
”Lord, I choose to bless you today. With my mouth, I will honour you and praise you. I declare that you are GREATER than any problem I face. I declare that Your PRAISE will continually be in my mouth.”
Declare as mentioned above for 6 weeks throughout your wakefulness, when possible with a voice. You will experience a certain upgrade in your life.