You have a letter from God. Read this aloud. Use your name and read it. As God loves you more than anyone, read it with great attention. Understanding his great love changes your perspective on yourself.
(Your name), I love you very dearly.
I will never leave you or forsake you.
You are the apple of my eye.
I am with you.
I am in you.
Do not be anxious.
What you have not done, what you have done does not matter.
Trust in me.
Love me.
Love me with all of your heart.
I am pressing a reset button on all aspects of your life.
Today is the day.
Now is the time.
Draw near to me.
Trust in me.
One by one, I will help you figure out matters.
In me and through me you will be in peace.
Abide in me.
I want to see you smile.
Remember all the years I led you.
Remember all the circumstances I led you in peace.
Let us meet daily.
First start with 15 minutes.
After a week, take it to 20 minutes.
Write each time I am with you.
When you write you are articulating my thoughts towards you.
I will untangle all the lies of the enemies.
I will bring clarity to matters.
I will bring peace to all your circumstances.
Remember, I cannot contain the love I have for you.
You mean so much to me.
You are mine.
Wherever you go today, I am with you.
Remember, I am with you always.
My goodness and mercy will be with you always.
Have a day of abundant peace and great joy.