Declarations against Fear and Anxiety

Are you going through fear or anxiety? Is oppression or fear chasing you? Know any friends and family troubled. These declarations will remind us how God’s word will reveal the truth of the situation from Heaven’s perspective and make you bold and courageous. Repeat these a couple of times with understanding. Pray to the Holy Spirit for faith and understanding as you declare this. A moment’s prayer in faith will make a shift. The declarations based on portions of Isaiah 43 (NLT version) have been used to craft these declarations. This will bless you.

Prophetic Prayer, Declarations (26+ categories, 500+ declarations)

Prophetic Declarations,Bible Based Powerful Prayers

From this page, you will be navigating through 500+ powerful prophetic prayer declarations – all of them are based on the verses from the Bible – as these are true, these are the living Word of God. Be blessed in your life’s transformational journey.

What do you find here?
Here you have a treasure trove in these pages. Select and specific Word of God used to attack and defend, to cut and prune – so that the limitations of the past are a matter of the past. Follow these prophetic declarations as a daily morning prayer and evening prayer before you go to rest. Do so consistently for sixty days. Have a new notebook writing down what the Holy Spirit shows you during the next sixty days. Have a transformational journey of the Lord over you and your life circumstances.

The 500+ prophetic prayer declarations are classified into 30+ categories. Choose the category you are in greatest need of at this time and season of your life.