Hosting God’s Presence: Declarations

Hosting the Holy Spirit Declarations

Many of us treasure the presence of the Holy Spirit to abide in us. There is nothing as precious as hosting the presence of the Spirit of God in our lives. But hosting the Holy Spirit requires a heart that seeks to please God and an earnest desire to keep your eyes, ears, mind, and body from a sinful lifestyle. After all, the Holy Spirit can only stay in a clean heart.

John the Baptist was told by the Spirit of God that the person on whom the Holy Spirit descends and remains is the person who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. Click here to read the passage on Jesus Christ hosting the Holy Spirit.

 In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit visited select persons from time to time. Whereas in the New Testament, after Jesus Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit for all disciples of Jesus Christ—which includes all of us. Click here to read the passage on Jesus Christ sending the Holy Spirit to us

Prayer declarations for a sound mind

Prayer declarations for a sound mind

Whatever your state of mind, you can make a willful choice to have a renewed mind by declaring aloud these truths continuously. If you can do so at least twice and try to remember even one of these decorations, you will experience the progress to having a sound mind.

Remembering what you have allowed your eyes to see and your ears to hear affects your mind. Once you start declaring, you will be reminded to stop watching and hearing things not pleasing to God.
(refer to Philippians 4:8)

My hope and trust are in God alone.
It’s not in riches or any man.
It’s not in my wisdom, my strength, my looks.
God is with me, and He never leaves me.
He is all sufficient for me. 
He is my strong tower and my fortress.
He is my shield and my protection. 

Declarations: Deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit

Declarations to walk with Holy Spirit

Declarations for a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit

Here are a few declarations based on Paul’s Epistle to the Romans, Chapter 8 and others from other parts of the Bible. These declarations will help you build a relationship with the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, it’s good that He was going to the Heavenly Father so that the Holy Spirit can be sent. The Holy Spirit reminds us about the teachings of Jesus Christ. This enables us to speak and do things that bring Heaven down. Sin and sinful circumstances flee. The Holy Spirit helps us to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. 

Declarations for stronger relationship with Holy Spirit