I live in accordance with the Spirit of God
I have my Mind set on what the Spirit desires
My mind controlled by the Spirit is Life & Peace
The Spirit of God who raised Jesus Christ from death also gives life to my mortal body
Prayers are key to growing our relationship with our Father God, creator of Heaven and Earth. Prayers being communication with God, includes praises, worship, petitions, prayerful reading of the Holy Bible, meditating on the Word of God (same as Holy Bible), Declarations and many more.
Prayers also include hearing from God almighty. He directs our steps and makes our paths straight.
Declarations are a type of prayer, where we speak God’s will into our life. The Holy Bible has God’s will for our lives. “The tongue has the power of life and death.” (Ref Proverbs 18:21). Thus, in Declarations, we speak aligning our words to the Living Word (same as the Holy Bible as it is Spirit Inspired.
The various posts cover these topics of Prayers and Declarations.