May my hands move at the Lords impulse.

Take my life, let it be consecrated to you Lord.

A surrendered life to the Lord Jesus is praiseworthy. When we obey the commandments, when we do the will of Jesus, we have a surrendered life. Our old man with envy, bitterness, jealousy no longer has any expression, but the goddess and love alone finds expression in our lives. The earlier, we step into fulfilling the plans that our Lord intends for us, the better. Thus, a surrendered life is a victorious life. Good to know this hymn and know it well in your heart as a prayer.

When I see the mountain, You see a mountain moved.

When all I see is the battle, You see my victory.

Today we have a great worship song to encourage yourself in the Lord. This song has many verses from the Bible. Thus, it’s a very powerful worship song. Sing it along with the YouTube link and experience not only freedom but a resounding victory in whatever is your situation. Would recommend internalising this song, singing with meaning a couple of times. It is so exciting to transition to victory from the initial situations of battles. Later, share this victorious song with your near and dear.

Powerful prayers straight from the Bible

Use them for a season, make your own version as well

Christians know the significance and importance of the Bible. It has the living Word. Jesus Christ is the word that became flesh. The power of the Bible to give answers to any life situation is too good, this needs to be experienced. Many have got transformed lives since they just held on to one verse from the Bible. For some it’s a chapter. Reading aloud, praying of the Psalm 91 has been cited by many across the world for the amazing life protection many have received in spite of extremely testing situations. Less than 5 years ago, during an air crash in which many were killed, a passenger, a football star, who had escaped death, testified of the grace from God towards his simple faith on shield of protection from the psalm 91.