We need to remind ourselves of our identity in Christ. We know we need to follow the user manual to get the best result of the equipment we buy. We know that a manufacturer knows the equipment best, for a long and useful usage of the equipment.
Category Archives: Declarations,Prophetic Prayers
Prayers are key to growing our relationship with our Father God, creator of Heaven and Earth. Prayers being communication with God, includes praises, worship, petitions, prayerful reading of the Holy Bible, meditating on the Word of God (same as Holy Bible), Declarations and many more.
Prayers also include hearing from God almighty. He directs our steps and makes our paths straight.
Declarations are a type of prayer, where we speak God’s will into our life. The Holy Bible has God’s will for our lives. “The tongue has the power of life and death.” (Ref Proverbs 18:21). Thus, in Declarations, we speak aligning our words to the Living Word (same as the Holy Bible as it is Spirit Inspired.
The various posts cover these topics of Prayers and Declarations.
Declaration’s : Purity, Holiness
Make these declarations earnestly for 60 days. Stay committed, for your transformation. Two versions are provided. The shorter version is at the bottom of this page.
There are 600 references in the Bible to God’s holiness. Matthew 5:8 says, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Click here to read “Why should you desire to be holy?“
Powerful declarations for a pure and holy life.
I strive to be holy, so I may see the Lord.(Hebrews 12:14)
I seek to be holy in all of my thoughts and actions, as my God is holy. (1 Peter 1:15-16)
I choose to be cleansed from all sin, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.(2 Corinthians 7:1)
Declarations against Fear and Anxiety
Are you going through fear or anxiety? Is oppression or fear chasing you? Know any friends and family troubled. These declarations will remind us how God’s word will reveal the truth of the situation from Heaven’s perspective and make you bold and courageous. Repeat these a couple of times with understanding. Pray to the Holy Spirit for faith and understanding as you declare this. A moment’s prayer in faith will make a shift. The declarations based on portions of Isaiah 43 (NLT version) have been used to craft these declarations. This will bless you.