Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Fruits of the Holy Spirit

Get to know these as a first step to walking in them 

Many know about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. And it’s extremely important that we grow in them, as they point to the very nature of Jesus Christ. We were made in His image. He came down to us as the Word of God (Holy Bible) and is among us. He also came into our midst as Human (Jesus Christ) – to make us see, understand, model our lives like Him. We need to understand and live a yielded life – bearing the fruits of the Holy Spirit. All this is easier said and done. Yet all this is possible with a yielded attitude to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. This is a process. In the process, the fruits of the Holy Spirit start influencing our very thoughts, our way of life, our words and actions, thus taking us into the path of being transformed into the nature of Jesus Christ (i.e the fruits of the Holy Spirit).

Speak at every opportunity. Speak what the Holy Spirit wants you to share.

Speak at every opportunity. Speak what the Holy Spirit wants you to share.

Yesterday, after getting back from a 4-day trip to Kochi, Joseph, my firstborn delighted me. He mentioned that he made a speech in his new school. As part of the class leader selection process, public speaking was required.

He guessed that he stood little chance of winning the selection process as 90% of the students in his class were old students. Nonetheless, as he had something meaningful to say, he decided to stand up and speak.