You should prophesy. Your Creator expects you to

Awareness is the key to becoming what we should be. Since many are not aware of our identity, we do not become. This is true about the prophetic nature in us.

Genesis 1:26 says, God made man in His image and Likeness. We know that God is most prophetic. This thought amazes me beyond all comprehension. In creation, he said and it became so. Go through the 7 days of creation and rest. Each day of creation, we see a prophetic act of mind-boggling proportions.

Since God made man in his image & likeness, the prophetic nature of God is also a portion of each one of us. Rather it’s in our nature in God to be prophecy. Else it’s similar to not using feet in the physical realm of our body.

Read the Book of Revelation, be blessed!

The last book of the New Testament – The Book of Revelation is special. Written by John based on the visions he had when on the island of Patmos. The book speaks about things which are to take place – mainly the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and the tribulations to come. It ends with a description of New Jerusalem which comes down from heaven.

Predictions for President Trump’s 2nd term. No hinderance will block these.

It’s been an exciting year. The elections added to it. The 2020 elections will reverberate in the hearts of Americans for years to come. As America has many relations, it’s among the top 5 most important countries along with the UAE and India for our family.

President Trump’s 2nd term

Although many around me, be it uncles, aunts and cousins identified as democrats or anti-Trump, my rationale was that he would get through. The instance that my mind keeps playing repeatedly is Gideon’s war (Book of Judges, chapter 7). Though he had started with a great number of 32,000, through a series of tests the numbers came down to 10,000 – after the fearful were removed. Then, the people who lapped like dogs were chosen for their weakness. The less capable the army, the more glory goes to Yahveh for the victory and less to man. And with this 300, the Lord gave victory.