What should you not seek? As per Jesus… + more Bible Quiz

What you should not seek As per Jesus ..+ more Bible Quiz

Here is a unique Bible Quiz to deepen your faith walk. Go ahead and try to answer them. 

You will do well by not scrolling to the bottom of the page. Be patient to read the answers. After you give it a good try, you can be certain that your joy will be great.

Remember this Quiz will increase your desire for a greater relationship with Lord Jesus Christ. You will discover that your thoughts will be directed by Jesus. You will read all that Jesus has told you already from the Bible, for the New Testament, from the Gospels. 

What does Jesus want you to pray for? + Bible Quiz

What does Jesus want you to pray for ..+ more Bible Quiz

Here is a unique Bible Quiz that will strengthen your faith. Try answering them after going through the questions. 

Do not scroll to the bottom of the page. Wait for a few moments. Exercise your brain. When you give a good try, your joy will be great when you finally compare the answers. 

These questions are only meant to increase your desire for a deeper relationship with your Lord Jesus Christ. Your eyes will start observing more details. 

Q1. What does Jesus want us to pray for? What is that specific matter?

Revealing that creation is waiting & other Quiz

Revealing that creation is waiting & other Quiz

The quiz is based on the 8th, 9th, and 10th chapters of Paul’s Epistle to the Romans. The Bible version used for compiling this Quiz is the NKJV. Click here to read ROMANS 8 NKJV , ROMANS 9 NKJV, and ROMANS 10 NKJV. After reading the chapters in a physical Bible or in the above online links, do try to answer them yourself. Only later consider referring to the answers given below. This way you will benefit the most.