I thought I could see, but I was blind

I thought I could see, but I was blind

I have healthy eyes and don’t need glasses for reading and writing, yet I cannot see when I drive and I have to wear glasses.

Just because I see in one context does not mean I can see in other contexts. 

After acknowledging that I was blind, I was joyful to know that I was on the track to see. Initially, it was shocking to know I was blind. But this new identity led me into a path of seeing better. This was liberating.

Wisdom from the perspective of the Bible

Wisdom from the perspective of the Bible

Many of us desire wisdom, to be a wise person who makes wise decisions. Quite often there are two distinct types of wisdom. Wisdom of the world and wisdom of God. The wisdom of the world is short-sighted. But the wisdom of the world appears logical and everything is structured and seems right. Wisdom of the world appears tangible as it is logical and thus appealing to the mind.

Be successful with Bible-based work ethics

Follow the work ethics mentioned in the Bible. This is bound to give you peace and enhance your productivity, yield good results, benefit your employer, and take you in the path of prosperity. They are different from the work ethics of the world. People of the world, all those without the renewed mind, will not understand this. But this will deliver results. Here are a few of the work ethics for your practicing. As you go this way, you will get to have a greater understanding of these work ethics. 

1) Working with your whole heart

Working with full heart is what’s required; this is far superior to full mind. When you work with a full heart, you sincerely desire to do the very best for the work you do. You want it to prosper; you are not interested in appearing to be sincere. Even in your very thoughts, you want it to do well, so that your Boss or the company that employs you will do well. You are not limited by the rule book; you work as if it’s your own company. You consider it a great privilege to serve the Lord Jesus through the work you have. 

Bible verse backing this: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance. (Colossians 3:23-24 NIV)