Many of us desire wisdom, to be a wise person who makes wise decisions. Quite often there are two distinct types of wisdom. Wisdom of the world and wisdom of God. The wisdom of the world is short-sighted. But the wisdom of the world appears logical and everything is structured and seems right. Wisdom of the world appears tangible as it is logical and thus appealing to the mind.
Category Archives: Christian’s Faith Walk
We live life on earth, as citizens of Heaven on an assignment here on Earth. Our assignment is to bring Heaven on Earth through Jesus Christ, our redeemer. In this process, we get transformed into His image. We know that God created us in His image and His likeness. This is a process of transformation.
We progress in our assignment as we progress into being transformed into His image. Hence, they cover a wide range of canvas as the journey is resplendent and colourful in its variety. You will enjoy reading these, not necessarily agreeing to them – that is not a prerequisite to enjoy it.
Increase your trust in God, determination & wisdom
Since I was a teenager, I earnestly desired growing in my trust in God. The desire would come in from time to time. I wish it was consistent and continuous. Whenever I read the books of Godly men and women, I became aware that I never trusted God enough, occasionally I even doubted if I trusted God at all.
Can you get angels to serve you? How?
Angels are heavenly beings. Angels have assignments from heaven to be carried out here on earth. We also know that angels worship in heaven around the throne room of God. Angels, do the bidding of the Lord. As you read this post, may you get excited about the possibility of angels coming to assist you. More importantly, may your words and actions work towards achieving this desire for you.