Why did I want to grow in love? Love is the greatest – the Bible says so. What the Bible says is definitely true. It does not change with time. It’s an eternal truth.
Category Archives: Christian’s Faith Walk
We live life on earth, as citizens of Heaven on an assignment here on Earth. Our assignment is to bring Heaven on Earth through Jesus Christ, our redeemer. In this process, we get transformed into His image. We know that God created us in His image and His likeness. This is a process of transformation.
We progress in our assignment as we progress into being transformed into His image. Hence, they cover a wide range of canvas as the journey is resplendent and colourful in its variety. You will enjoy reading these, not necessarily agreeing to them – that is not a prerequisite to enjoy it.
Do you seriously desire to grow in biblical wisdom? An experiment with weekly updates
It’s been two weeks since I started this experiment. The experiment is about growing in wisdom. I read this portion in the Epistle of James about wisdom. We know that the Bible is true. So I wanted to sincerely and earnestly try this out. You may also desire to grow in wisdom. You are welcome to try this if you want to. I will share my journey in this post. I am expecting that, over a period of time, the results will be overwhelming. Success will be an outcome as long as I consistently do the right things. I will be sharing the learning, the slips and mistakes I probably make, so that the probability of success can be increased for all who are sincerely wanting to increase in wisdom.