Quiz that helps you be a better Christian

Quiz that helps you be a better Christian

As always, try answering each question, taking a few minutes. The questions are also made tricky to mislead you. Complete going through all the questions in this blog post. Challenging yourself the answer, sharpens your mind. And the next time you read the Bible, you will read it with greater attention. Your eyes and your mind will be sharper.

Do you want great rewards?

Do you want great rewards?

Who does not like rewards? But the rewards which give us joy and delights keep changing. They keep changing with what we have. They keep changing with our age. They keep changing based on our riches or poverty. They change based on what we desire and want. They keep changing based on what we value. They change based on our perception. They change based on what we know. They change based on whom we have given Lordship of our lives to. And many other factors.