Miracles, signs and wonders are important in building up our belief and faith in God, the almighty creator of Heaven and Earth. Things which can be explained can often be attributed to be natural. The awe and wonder at what God can do has a great impact in strengthening our belief in Jesus Christ and Father God.
Category Archives: Christian’s Faith Walk
We live life on earth, as citizens of Heaven on an assignment here on Earth. Our assignment is to bring Heaven on Earth through Jesus Christ, our redeemer. In this process, we get transformed into His image. We know that God created us in His image and His likeness. This is a process of transformation.
We progress in our assignment as we progress into being transformed into His image. Hence, they cover a wide range of canvas as the journey is resplendent and colourful in its variety. You will enjoy reading these, not necessarily agreeing to them – that is not a prerequisite to enjoy it.
One thing I desire Prayer
This prayer is inspired by Psalm 27. Certain verses from the NKJV version of the Bible are selected. A few verses are fine-tuned and given below for this prayer.
One thing I desire Prayer
The Lord is my light and my salvation;
I shall fear none.
The Lord is the strength of my life;
I shall not be afraid of anyone.
Red light for Lexus, green for Pajero
In 2018, we went to the Lexus showroom, narrowed down on the ES300. We required a new car badly. Our existing one had become old and had many huge repairs coming by. So we went ahead. Applied to buy through car loan. It did not come through. We tried two more times, yet it did not get processed. We were quite happy with the Lexus Rx350 we had. It had served us for over 10 years. Naturally we loved the brand. But seems God had other plans.
But as we were denied what we desired, we were sad. Crestfallen, we went to the mitsubishi showroom. We opted now for our second choice, a Mitsubishi Pajero. We got used to the car. We had no regrets.