Are you aware that God knows you?

Are you aware that God knows you?

Many doubt that God knows us.
Some may think so, perhaps when you go through tough times. Others may think so at all times.

But most certainly, the truth is that God knows each one of us. Have no doubt about God’s knowing you or even loving you.

Here are a few specific scripture verses that clearly show that God knows us well. So don’t entertain the doubt that God is near you, whatever the circumstances you may face. As you stop being busy and start seeking God, you will find Him. The scripture verse states that: Be still and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10). Seek and you will find. (Matthew 7:8)

A few instances from my life clearly show how much God knows us, loves us, and is so timely in protecting us in our daily lives. 

Top verses from the Book of Joel

Top verses from the Book of Joel

The book of the prophet Joel is known as the front-runner to the book of revelation. This is a very significant book which mentions the day of the Lord as a prominent theme. The Day of the Lord implies the second coming of the Lord Jesus. We are encouraged to study it thoroughly and read this book until you get it fully into your mind.

Book Review: Randy Clark’s ‘The Essential Guide To The Power of The Holy Spirit’

Power of The Holy Spirit

Rarely does one come across a person who has such a deep understanding of church history and a true love for the church. I have never met someone so rich in the healing ministry and its impartation. He’s my hero for leveraging the power of testimonies in an amazing increase in healing. Hailing from a Catholic tradition, I salute Dr. Randy Clark for the love, time, and effort he takes for working with Catholics and many other denominations and having meetings and respectful conversations with them. 

Reading the book over the weekend was a treat. I was on a spiritual high, knowing more about the resplendent personality of the Holy Spirit. For a few months, I had been desiring a closer walk with the Holy Spirit; hence, reading the book was the reason for a great celebration. Thank you Dr. Randy Clark for writing this book. Within hours after reading the book, I was insisting on praying for a relative of ours who was staying with us for the weekend. She had not prayed in tongues yet, as she was still a practicing Catholic who was never told about praying in tongues in the church.