Can you resist the forbidden?

We know about the forbidden tree in the garden of eden. 

Do you know Joseph, the son of Jacob? His brothers envied him as Jacob loved him most and had given him a coat of many colors. Joseph was bon in Jacob’s old age, thus Jacob had a soft corner for him and loved him more.

Joseph was also Rachel’s first born. After barrenness for a long time, God blessed Rachel with her first child in Joseph.

Hope & expectation for the old

Hope & expectation for the old

The Bible is very clear. Our God is Lord over all. This includes young and the old. Abraham was asked to leave his fathers land and go to the promised land. He did so when he was seventy five.

Read this portion from Genesis Chapter 12

1 Now the Lord had said to Abram:
“Get out of your country,
From your family
And from your father’s house,
To a land that I will show you.

Why are miracles important?

Why are miracles important

Miracles, signs and wonders are important in building up our belief and faith in God, the almighty creator of Heaven and Earth. Things which can be explained can often be attributed to be natural. The awe and wonder at what God can do has a great impact in strengthening our belief in Jesus Christ and Father God.